Nature of the Governing Document and constitution of the charity
The charity is constituted as a company limited by guarantee and is therefore governed by a memorandum and articles of association. The directors of the company are also trustees of the charity. Eligibility for membership of the charity, and membership of the board of trustees is governed by the memorandum and articles of association. There are no restrictions in the governing document on the operation of the charity or on its investment powers, other than those imposed by general charity law.
The methods adopted for the recruitment and appointment of new trustees
The trustees are appointed at the charity’s annual general meeting and retire from office at the third AGM following the AGM at which they were elected. Any casual vacancy arising during the year is filled by co-option of a person onto the board; that person is then duly elected at the subsequent AGM.
Policies on reserves
The trustees have resolved to establish reserves to provide for future activities, and to provide funding for the expected expenditure for six months ahead.
The policy on reserves is that the existing assets are retained to produce income which is wholly utilised to support existing activities.
Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5731116
Registered Charity No.1117225
VAT number 308 7620 02