Terms & Conditions
Bookings are available online.
Equipment/sessions will be only be reserved if payment is made in advance.
Age Limits
A minimum age of 8 years old for activities.
Participants aged 8-12 must be accompanied by an adult over 18.
Under 18’s to be booked online by parent or guardian.
Cancellation by client
If you cancel less than 24 hours before the start time of your session then your fee will be forfeit.
Cancellation by Cardigan Bay Watersports
We will not cancel hire sessions if the forecast is poor, i.e. rain / cloudy, only if we deem conditions unsafe.
We reserve the right to cancel if in our opinion there are unmanageable risks.
If we cancel, we will offer either a full refund, vouchers, an alternative date or dates.
Cardigan Bay Watersports’ liability does not extend beyond points above.
Personal insurance is not included in the fee.
Physical Fitness
Participants must be confident in the water.
You must advise on when booking of any illness or medical disability. If you suffer from asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, giddy spells, angina, or other heart conditions, you should check with your doctor before making a booking and be in a position to produce a note from your doctor if required. Failure to disclose medical conditions will absolve Cardigan Bay Watersports of any liability.
Watersports and adventure activities are hazardous by their nature.
Participants, parents or guardians accept that there are risks, bumps and scrapes may happen during fast moving activities.
We only employ qualified experienced staff.
We provide buoyancy aids.
We have robust management and safety systems, which have been inspected by approved bodies such as AALA, WSA and RYA.
CBW cannot accept responsibility for personal items left in the Centre.
Photographs or Videos of activities may be taken for use in publicising CBW – please let us know if you do not want these used.
Revised 21 June 2024
This code applies to all recreational vessels including motor boats, yachts, dinghies, personal watercraft, kayaks, canoes and paddleboards.
In general keep a look out and keep your distance. Do not approach marine mammals, let them come to you.
Please operate all boats with care and attention for the safety of occupants and respect for all other sea users. Do not discard litter or fishing tackle at sea.
Dolphins, Porpoises & Seals
If these marine mammals are encountered at sea please:
Slow down gradually to minimum speed. Do not make sudden changes in speed or course.
Do not steer towards them or approach within 100m.
Do not attempt to touch, feed or swim with them.
Take extra care to avoid disturbing animals with young.
Do not approach seals resting on the shore, and do not enter sea caves during the pupping season (1st August to 31st October)
Avoid any unnecessary noise near the animals.
Keep out from cliffs in the breeding season, 1 March – 31 July.
Avoid any unnecessary noise close to cliffs.
Keep clear of groups of birds resting or feeding on the sea.
Revised 21 June 2024