An addendum to Safeguarding – relevant for all vulnerable groups

This policy has been produced to ensure safe use of CBW changing facilities.

Cardigan Bay Watersports Centre’s changing facilities and toilets are for the sole use by its customers and are single sex (Male and Female).

The main area of each changing room is open-plan.
The toilets are cubicles with doors.
Showers: open in Male; with a curtain in Female.

Use of mobile phones / tablets in the changing rooms is forbidden.
No mobile phones or tech devices to be left in the changing rooms. We have free lockers.

CBW actively seeks to reduce the safeguarding risk of vulnerable groups mixing with adults when changing or showering.CBW inspect the changing rooms before each visit from vulnerable groups.CBW ensures exclusive use by vulnerable groups. To avoid conflict, hire sessions before and after a group-booking session will allow adequate time for members of the public to vacate the area.

All CBW staff are DAB (Disclosure & Barring Service) checked.

If supervision is necessary there must be a minimum of two persons of the same gender as those changing.

Transgender and non-binary customers should request dedicated changing facilities.

The safeguarding officer for Cardigan Bay Watersports is Fiona Best